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  • Should I buy a Replica shirt?
    This is down to you as the consumer, but mainly price, quality and fit are the three most contributing factors in deciding. Is a replica shirt going to have the same feel and fit as a shirt bought from your pro club store, no. However, when you take into account that your young football stars are growing at an astronomical rate and want the latest shirt with their ever changing favourite players name on the back, this is where KitKings excel. Our products have been hand picked as the best possible quality combined with fantastic pricing. Allowing you and your offspring to enjoy supporting your club on a budget! Who knows, the change could even buy you an extra ticket to a match!
  • What is a Replica Football Shirt?
    The term 'replica football shirt' means they are a mass produced version, more suitable for fans and supporters to wear at home and in the stands. These football shirts are made with cheaper materials than the pro versions you see your favourite players wearing, making it a more affordable option than the real pro club shops. Featuring embroidered badges, and all the correct shirt markings as the pros. These are ideal for the terraces and to wear your teams badge with pride.
  • What if i want to cancel my order, or change my mind?
    Easy as 1,2,3. Step 1. Within 24hrs of your order, send us an email to with the subject of "cancellation" or "change to order". Briefly explain in the body of the email what you would like to happen. Step 2. Wait for our response, this could take upto 12hrs but don't panic we check our emails often and will respond ASAP. Our response will either rectify or confirm any changes, or confirm cancellation. Step 3. If you needed to cancel your order we will be actively processing your refund to your account, as always this can take upto 3 days, however with most modern banks this should be done the very same day.
  • What if i order and I'm not happy with the product?
    Speak to us. We're always available on We recognise this can be daunting, but we are here to work with you, not against you! This project was built to put smiles on faces, not frowns. So, if for any reason you are not 100% happy with the item you recieve, get in touch, tell us your issues and we vow to do everything in our power to rectify the problem and leave you with a smile.
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